Smart Spender
Anders eventually stopped using pennies for payments totally, afraid to waste any of the precious little discs that could be added to his continuously growing collection. He would go to great lengths to intentionally add up bills in ways that ensured that he received pennies back as change.

Smart Spender
Anders found an incredible level of gratification with his penny collection. He also did his best to ignore the government-mandated incentives for people to hand in their pennies, such as the $25 bonus for each $100 penny collection returned. He was not going to give up that easily!
Ocean Of Pennies
Eventually, though, Anders knew that it was time to part ways with his trove. As you can imagine, transporting the mountain of coins to the bank was not going to be a walk in the park. The calculated weight of the collection came to a jaw-dropping 1,4 tons! That is the same weight as that of a standard American bison.

Ocean Of Pennies
Upon having laboriously carried all the fifteen bottles inside the bank, the next mission was to find a safe way to bust open the penny troves.