The Unlikely Partnership
Anders had lots of help from a friend he called “Domino Kid”, real name Jack Brown. “Jack saved nickels as I saved pennies, and every nickel that passed through my hands, I would save for him. He did likewise with pennies for me.”

The Unlikely Partnership
The two would keep a healthy competition going, where they would do their best to beat each other’s collections. Eventually, Ander’s pennies and Brown’s nickels began to mount. Anders would and Brown would continually trade for their respective coins.
Anders was literally religiously devoted to his penny-picking mission. Incredibly, he would eventually have a no-nonsense approach to his hobby. Every new penny increased his fervor and he increasingly wished to build his collection into something phenomenal.

Anders was merciless when it came to his penny-pinching methods. If he was hanging out at a friend’s place, and he spotted a penny, he would pocket it. If he found a quarter, he would hand it back to the homeowner, but the pennies were his.