The Weather – What We Think It’s Like
When it comes to cruises, the weather can really make or break a holiday experience. Cruise ships rely on there being good weather, both for smooth sailing and for the enjoyment of the passengers. We are willing to bet that you have never seen a cruise brochure that advertises the fun activities to do when it is raining and stormy outside and you are surrounded by all that ocean on a cruise liner. God forbid a storm hits…

The Weather What We Think Its Like
The Weather – What It’s Really Like
While many people go on cruises in tropical places, we just want to remind everyone that tropical weather is, well, tropical. That means you can’t always predict the weather and the climate can be quite contrary! Especially to your sunbathing plans. The weather doesn’t really care about taking good holiday snaps, and mother nature doesn’t adapt to our individual plans, sadly. It is not uncommon to have bad weather while on a cruise, so just make sure you bring a few good books or something.

The Weather What Its Really Like