What We Think Going On A Cruise Is Like And What It Is Really Like In Reality – In Pictures

Published on 02/24/2021

The Life of Employees – What We Think It’s Life

Some might think that the wages people get paid on a cruise ship must be phenomenal. And that they also get to mix with people from all over the world through their jobs. Those people they mingle with must be charming because, well, they are on a cruise. Surely they also get to see all sorts of exotic places on the way? How fantastic. Well, it might not be quite as exciting or fancy as it seems…

The Life Of Employees What We Think Its Life

The Life Of Employees What We Think Its Life


The Life of Employees – What It’s Really Like

Let us begin by saying that if you thought the guests’ rooms were on the small side, then you haven’t seen the employees’ quarters yet. Their rooms are mostly bunk beds and are seriously pokey in size. Ship employees suffer through long working hours. Also, consider that they don’t get to go home after work – for a few weeks or months at a time! To the job’s credit, although it may not be as luxurious as you imagined, it can still be quite a cool experience for a time and they do save a bit of money as they don’t really have any expenses.

The Life Of Employees What Its Really Like

The Life Of Employees What Its Really Like