Ocean Sightseeing – What We Think It’s Like
The idea of sailing across the big blue, catching sight after sight of magnificent marine wildlife, is a commonly held one. Where dolphins swim and play right by you and whales splash their magnificent tails just yards away. How magical. Basically, the idea of being at Sea World, but for real and in the wild, draws in both younger and older demographics. These hopeful would-be voyagers think that going on a cruise is something close to a whale watching tour. The kind where people travel to excitingly populated areas of the ocean. Not quite…

Ocean Sightseeing What We Think Its Like
Ocean Sightseeing – What It’s Really Like
If you want to be a little more realistic about the sightseeing opportunities on a cruise ship, then you should probably think more about seeing a huge expanse of blue. Sadly, that’s about it. Remember, the seven seas cover an endless expanse, and you are in the ocean, not a marine wildlife acrobatic show. So, we recommend getting used to the idea of seeing all that blue, every day, and being surrounded on all sides by water. There won’t be much else that you can see at the very least. If you can do serene, and you don’t need excitement, then this is for you.

Ocean Sightseeing What Its Really Like