The Cruise Ship Bathroom – What We Think It’s Like
If you have never had any sort of cruise ship experience, you may have no real image in your mind of what the ensuite bathrooms are like. Your only reference may be a hotel room or something you saw in the movie Titanic. If so, unless you are on a $9,000 a night budget, you might have to think more in line with the rooms passengers in Dicaprio’s character’s ‘class’ had… This one also varies quite a lot, depending on the kind of cruise and ship. In many cases, you might be grossly disillusioned, especially if you are imagining marble countertops, gold taps, or private jacuzzis…

The Cruise Ship Bathroom What We Think Its Like
The Cruise Ship Bathroom – What It’s Really Like
If you are not spending a ton on this holiday, then you may have to lower your expectations slightly. You can anticipate slightly more linoleum walls and brightly colored ceramics that belong in the ‘70s and haven’t been redone since the ship was built. It might be better to imagine something closer to a bathroom in a youth hostel. We might have exaggerated again a bit with this photo, really showing you the worst of seaborne bathrooms. There are many much nicer ones available at affordable prices, we just want to help manage expectations.

The Cruise Ship Bathroom What Its Really Like