Sleeping Quarters – What We Think It’s Like
If you have not been on a cruise ship before then it might be hard to imagine what the sleeping quarters may look like. Or, in other words, your bedroom for the entirety of the trip. Many of us probably imagine either a large luxurious room as seen in swanky hotels, or maybe something we saw in a movie. Certainly a room that belongs to the rich and famous. Well, the photo here is in fact a real room on a cruise ship named The World, but this room costs nearly $9,000, per night! So you may say, that that is not something most of us can casually afford… The truth is, there are very few cruise ship rooms that look like this!

Sleeping Quarters What We Think Its Like
Sleeping Quarters – What It’s Really Like
In reality, a large majority of rooms on a cruise ship (depending on the type of luxury you are paying for too, of course, as the previous price mark and photo showed us) actually look less like a hotel room. The reality is more like, well, what they are: a small ship cabin (many with bunk beds) that will make the memory of your college dorm room seem like luxury. Ok, we might be exaggerating a tiny bit with the photo – they are not quite like jail cells, nor as grimy as this photo implies. But you will be lucky if you don’t have to squeeze between the wall and the bed to get to the tiny bathroom. Then again, it also really depends how much you are willing to pay…

Sleeping Quarters What Its Really Like