What We Think Going On A Cruise Is Like And What It Is Really Like In Reality – In Pictures

Published on 02/24/2021

All Crew Cabins Are Not Created Equal

If you are a cruise ship worker, you can’t expect to get your own luxury cabin, but the role you have in the crew will probably also affect the type of accommodation given to you. Officers and staff members have private rooms of the A-Deck, which is also just above the water, meaning hello sunlight! But as Anthony Andrieux, a former member of the Royal Caribbean Line cruise ships, says, the living conditions were hardly as nice for all workers. This was his take on the workers quarters; “The living situation was ‘tight’. You stay on the lower deck so you are always underwater. There are no windows in the room… You have a very small bunk bed that you literally can not fit someone else into (trust me I have tried). You can touch all four walls if you were to stand in the center of the room to give you an idea. I believe it is a total of about 10 square feet.”

All Crew Cabins Are Not Created Equal

All Crew Cabins Are Not Created Equal


Training Against Pirate Attacks

Many of us might think of pirates being something either way back in history or only something that exists in fairytale stories such as Peter Pan. Well, this is not the case. Pirates definitely still exist today. Although it is seriously rare for a bunch of pirates to take over a massive ship like a cruise liner, that is not to say that it doesn’t happen. And the crew is trained for the eventuality and how to handle it. Some cruises like Oceania Cruises and Princess Cruises give their crew training in how to get their guests away from the windows and use giant water canons to spray intruders with. Because cruise liners are so gigantic, the amount of water they can use could easily overpower any smaller ship. There is also the method of using Long Range Acoustic Devices, a device that emits a painful and loud sound. A luxury cruise liner used this method to escape a pirate attack of the coast of Africa in 2005.

Training Against Pirate Attacks

Training Against Pirate Attacks