Cliquey Crew Members
In some ways cruise ship crews can be reminiscent of high school. There is not usually one big group but rather different social groups that can become quite cliquey. Sometimes the cliques depend on the various countries of origin of the different crew members, as cruise ships usually have quite a diverse bunch of workers from all over the world. Sometimes each group is known for something and can provide the other groups with something they are missing.

Cliquey Crew Members
Emergencies Can Be Disgusting
We are not sure if this is just an urban legend or if it really did happen, but it is quite a well-known story and enough of a story to make your stomach reel. The story is of a cruise ship serving some bad shrimp and the whole ship in its entirety got food poisoning; the food poisoning was so severe that the ship could hardly hold all the vomit. Ok, this is a seriously rare occurrence, but stuff like this can happen. A story we know is not just folklore, is what happened to a Carnival cruise ship in 2013. The ship lost power after a fire broke out in the engine room, and the ship was stranded for long enough on the Gulf of Mexico for the sewage to get backed up. This led to raw sewage bubbling up all over the boat, which smelt so bad that people actually made a tent city in order to be away from the toxic-smelling areas.

Emergencies Can Be Disgusting