The Cruise Line Property
Brian David Bruns worked for a cruise liner for a while and in 205 he published a book called Cruise Confidential, in which he confided all there was to dish up on his experiences. He was the first American who worked for the Carnival Cruise Line who stayed until the end of his contract. Brian detailed how the worst part of his experience was the feeling of being property of the cruise line, saying, “The worst part of the job is being ‘owned’ by the corporation…They control what you eat, when you eat, when you can go use the toilet, how cold it is in your cabin, everything.” Yikes!

The Cruise Line Property
Leftover Meals for the Crew
This is a little like a high school cafeteria, or maybe even worse, in the sense that the crew members are the lowest of the food chain so they get the scraps. The kitchen staff do get quite creative sometimes, especially considering that they don’t have too much to work with while on board, but you don’t necessarily want to eat it all the time, like having to eat goat stew regularly. Lucky cruise members get to eat passenger leftovers. At the end of a shift, they’re allowed to eat what’s left of a passenger buffet, though it’s so good, it doesn’t really last very long.

Leftover Meals For The Crew