The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Untangling Your Growing Plants

You want to start this flora neatening hack by wrapping your seeds in foil before you plant them. Once they have grown to a moderate size, you can begin with the cutting process.

Untangling Your Growing Plants

Untangling Your Growing Plants

Every good gardener knows that while ensuring that plants look attractive, the most important factor is ensuring that they grow to be strong and healthy. Place your plants within containers and then wrap them with aluminum foil. Finish by stabbing a few openings into the foil casing. You can now be sure that your plants will have their own greenhouses, retaining moisture and extending the gaps between watering.


Supplying Your Trees With Added Defenses

While you may have thought that bringing some lovely trees into your garden was initially a great idea, now that they have grown to an immense size, they have become the home to all manner of small and large critters such as mice, rabbits, and foxes. These creatures will burrow into your tree’s foundations, which will greatly hurt them.

Supplying Your Trees With Added Defenses

Supplying Your Trees With Added Defenses

You can defend your trees by wrapping their bases well with aluminum foil when the cold season starts creeping in, stopping the critters from burrowing.