The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

The Impromptu Platter

You spent the entire day baking and cooking, excitedly and nervously anticipating your guests’ arrival. When they do, and everyone has been greeted and seated, you head back into the kitchen to put those finishing touches on your fancy aperitifs, only to find that you have nothing to serve them on…

The Impromptu Platter

The Impromptu Platter

Worry not, as we have an emergency fix that, while unattractive, sure beats having to clean mounds of plates. Take a cardboard sheet and wrap it in aluminum foil. Place your treats neatly on top and then serve!


Boosting Exterior Lighting

While we have given a lot of attention to plants, what about humans? No one likes to walk around overly dark areas beneath porches and covered pathways. Those looking to brighten up their home’s exterior, take heed!

Boosting Exterior Lighting

Boosting Exterior Lighting

Simply find a collection of hanging charms, wind chimes, and hanging pot plants – basically anything that you want to hang around the darkened areas. Then, once you have finished decorating, attach some strips of aluminum foil. This will bring some much-need illumination to your outside area.