The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Defense Against The Pressure Cooking Arts

While you may have perfected your fried chicken and collard greens with your pressured cooker, you might want to be careful with this contraption, as it can very easily burn you if handled without the proper care.

Defense Against The Pressure Cooking Arts

Defense Against The Pressure Cooking Arts

Still, we all make mistakes, and if you want to be extra careful, then you will want to create some aluminum sheeting that is around the same dimensions as the pressure cooker’s bowl and then wrap the foil around the handles. Whenever you use this contraption, hold the handles down and then get a firm grip on them whenever you hoist the bowl out.


Shield Your Fruit Trees From Flying Menaces

While we promised that fish are attracted by shining materials, the opposite is true with birds, who are repelled by sparkly stuff. If you would like to protect your orchard from naughty buzzing menaces, aluminum foil is the ideal fortification.

Shield Your Fruit Trees From Flying Menaces

Shield Your Fruit Trees From Flying Menaces

All that you have to do is cut some strips of the metallic material and dangle it about your tree like Christmas decorations. The light reflections that your ornaments shoot out will scare birds away for good.