The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Lining Your Roller Pans

When you have your paint rollers absolutely caked in paint after a long day of redecorating, you might wish that you had equipped a disposable plastic liner instead. These are incredibly expensive in the long run, however, and bad for the environment.

Lining Your Roller Pans

Lining Your Roller Pans

Rather, take a roll of aluminum foil and replace your plastic liners with it. This will stop you from having to fill your bin with plastic and damaging the environment. Even if you recycle, it is still an enormous waste of plastic.


Stopping Paint Skinning

If you are a passionate DIYer then you might have heard of ‘skinning paint’ This process occurs when an opened paint can remain cracked, even at the smallest amount, for some time. You will then find that upon opening the can that the paint has hardened completely and been wasted.

Stopping Paint Skinning

Stopping Paint Skinning

If you would like to keep your paint cans completely runny, then you will want to breathe into the can as you shut it once more and then wrap the top with aluminum foil. Now that enough carbon dioxide has been sealed inside the can, oxidation can be avoided.