The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

The Extended Lifespan Of Steel Wool

Steel wool may be excellent for removing even the most stubborn of gunk and hardened bits of food off your pots and pans, but it is a surprisingly short-lived kitchen tool that will begin to rust and come apart after just a few uses.

The Extended Lifespan Of Steel Wool

The Extended Lifespan Of Steel Wool

You might be tempted to throw this metallic clump away when it starts to rust, but you could extend its lifespan by wrapping it in aluminum foil and stuffing it into the freezer. This will save your kitchen budget and make it even stronger and more effective.


Saving Your Sleeping Bag From Moisture

Let us return to our happy campers for a minute. This one is for those who enjoy going on lengthy camping trips that involve plenty of hiking adventures, swims in icy lakes and rivers, and plenty of hearty cooking. As the days go by, however, you might find that your sleeping bag starts to get a bit sticky and filled with moisture.

Saving Your Sleeping Bag From Moisture

Saving Your Sleeping Bag From Moisture

Rather than canceling your trip because your sleeping bag has become unlivable, take enough aluminum foil to line the bottom of your sleeping bag. This will insulate you from the tent and stop moisture from gathering as you snooze away peacefully.