Are you thinking about becoming a freelancer? The stats say you’re looking in the right direction. The international trend is moving this way as companies look to save and reduce their full-time employees and people are looking for a lifestyle with more freedom and independence, where their time can be managed by themselves. Whether you are considering freelancing as a side-hustle or as your full-time occupation, you will have to gather some knowledge, be willing to learn and improve yourself and will have to cultivate patience.

Switching From A Full Time Job To Freelancing
Consider Whether Freelancing Is For You
There are both good and bad aspects of being a freelancer, but you really should ensure that you possess a certain mindset. It’s great to be your own boss if you are both reliable and disciplined.
With freelancing, you can set your own schedule and can take holidays whenever you want to. The downside of this is that there is no paid leave, so you should be ready to juggle several projects at the same time, continually search for new work and maintain a disciplined daily routine in order to have a steady flow of work and be able to take advantage of your newfound freedom.
Look For Platforms
Freelancing platforms are used a lot these days by freelancers of all kinds. Social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn can also be a great source of gigs and allow you to connect with clients effortlessly. Many of the platforms also offer protection for both buyers and sellers and every project you take on is a mini-contract, and both you and the client have to stick to the terms.
Spend some time in choosing the correct platform/s for your work. You need to look at aspects like salary expectations and the way work is distributed. You don’t want to be involved in a platform that encourages everybody to push the prices lower and lower, as nobody actually benefits from this: the work gets poorer and the freelancers can’t earn a living.
The better freelance platforms base their business model on only admitting top talent into their books and then connect them with clients who have specific requirements. They will pay you well for high-quality work, but getting on the books may take several weeks and would include rounds of relevant tests. It is worth it if you are taking freelancing seriously.
Build An Excellent Profile
A Classic CV is not often required on freelancing sites as you will have to fill in their own template. It’s worth doing it properly as it would be the first thing the client wants to see before hiring you for a project. Take the time to inform them of your relevant experience, skills, and education. Keep it short and sweet and always relevant.
Build Your Portfolio
Be sure to illustrate your profile with an eye-catching portfolio of your work. If you are just beginning, you can accept several jobs at discounted rates in exchange for experience, in order to build your portfolio.
State Your Price
While your hourly rate or project price will depend very much on your skills and experience, you should not work for too little. It devalues freelancers in general and brings the overall quality of work down. Of course, you can’t charge the same rates as a freelancer with many years of experience behind them, but your work should be able to cover your monthly expenses, no matter your level.
Secure Work And Thrive!
If you are just starting out, be sure to only take on jobs that you can definitely complete. It is much better for building confidence and will give you results quickly. There is no point in taking on something you can’t complete to a satisfactory level. As a freelancer, you are continuously building your reputation and it is most important, especially in the beginning that you’re met with positive feedback.

Secure Work And Thrive!