There is a multitude of variety when it comes to selecting things for your home that no longer have a home. Thrift shops have been around for as long as we have been discarding the old in favor of the new. As the old saying goes: “One man’s throw-away is another man’s treasure.” Below, we have compiled a shortlist of items that are easy to find and come with less of the usual second-hand problems commonly associated with these purchases.

4 Things You Should Buy Second Hand
Refurbished furniture pieces can be great and, if you buy them from a reputable dealer, you are sure to get some amazing quality items. Modern furniture like the assemble-it-yourself desks you can order online is a far cry from the old school stuff. The solid wood our grandparents made their furniture from is just not an affordable option anymore. If you consider yourself handy with tools then you may want to look into restoring some old furniture in your own time to save even more.
Tools & Equipment
Tools have become frightfully expensive and the assortment really doesn’t help one to decide which is the right tool for the job. You can pick up a hammer at a flea market for less than a dollar and if it’s still in good condition, how is it different from a $10-$20 new hammer? Electric appliances should rather be purchased from someone you trust or at least somewhere you can test the tool and/or return it in case it does not function correctly. If you are willing to hunt for quality second-hand tools and equipment, you will generally be able to spend much less for top-quality items that will last a lifetime.
Baby Gear
One of the biggest expenses we incur during our lives is that of raising children. The US department of agriculture estimates the cost per child, for a middle-income family, to be around $233,000 before they reach college. Strollers, cribs and toy sets are some of the gear readily available second hand. We suggest you make sure the equipment is from a certified manufacturer and that none of it was subject to recall at some point. When considering that you definitely won’t be needing baby gear long term, investing in new goods would truly be a waste of money.
Books & Textbooks
A rare sight these days is that of the personal home library. The advent of the internet has made home libraries and clutter of some object that most of us have little or no space for. Second-hand books are now abundant. Just make sure that no pages are missing and a creative little scribbler has not decorated any. Textbooks are always available from previous year’s students who are trying to cut the costs of this year’s textbooks. Because the content of books and textbooks will definitely not vary simply if you purchase them new, it is a wise idea to purchase used books in good condition rather than spending double the money.

Books And Textbooks