At The Bank
Rustin Origin Bank’s Louisiana employees can still clearly describe the moment that Otha Anders appeared in their establishment wishing to deposit something. Anders was not there to put ordinary currency in a safe place. The man had hauled in the container after container of pennies! The staff could not believe it. They had seen some strange things at this bank, but a man carting in the penny motherload was completely bizarre. How could he have gotten his hands on so many?

At The Bank
Anders had to hire a truck service to deliver the ocean of pennies to the bank premises, and then used a hand barrow and cart to finish the job. He needed five assistants to help with the heavy lifting.
Fifteen Bottles
Pictured is the astounding collection of pennies, which were stored in enormous water cooler containers. There was a total of fifteen of the tubs, with each one having a five-gallon capacity that was brimming to the top. They seemed set to burst!

Fifteen Bottles
But how did Anders manage to hoard so many of these little coins? You might think that this would have taken a lifetime to achieve, and you are probably right. Let’s hope that Anders’ tireless penny-pinching quest paid off. When the last penny was counted, how much would the man be standing to earn?