Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley is a saint compared to many of the other charlatans on this list. Other than his shaky personal relationships, Stanley has never been fingered in any serious crime or corruption cases. He began the In Touch Ministries, which is a titanic television and radio network that spreads across the world. Almost a decade ago, In Touch Ministries was reportedly earning an annual $73 million, with his personal net worth standing at around $1.5 million.

Charles Stanley
R.C. Sproul
R. C. Sproul might have begun his ministry during the 70s, but that did not mean that he went the traditional route that his counterparts did with televangelism. Rather, old Sproul waited for the internet to really take off and became a… “cyber-evangelist” (?) in 2012. Sproul is your typical sleazy, greasy, greedy evil pastor who believes that pastors should be compensated to the point where they can share their skills generously. He has a calculated net worth of about $2 million.

R C Sproul