While we might be accustomed to dealing with fake news today, back in the day it was less of an issue, but not for eBay. AuctionWeb was the company that eBay was once a part of, possessing four other sites in 1995. Its services included travel, shipping, and Ebola virus resources. Incredibly, eBay would soon turn into a whole new entity. AuctionWeb quickly gained successful traction in the international business world and was soon reported on by international media. When AuctionWeb became a hot topic, news agencies falsely started calling it eBay which was just a part of the umbrella company. Its CEO eventually renamed AuctionWeb to eBay in 1997.

Homeowners and IKEA go together like peanut butter and jelly. While their furniture may be simple enough to build, coming up with the original name was not. The brand name comes from Ingvar Kamprad, IKEA’s founder, who built the brand name from his personal life. The I and K are his first name and surname. The E is from Elmatryd, the name of the farm that he was raised on, and the A is from his hometown, called Agunnaryd.