There are few places on Earth where people will flock to more for a refreshing Slurpee than 7-Eleven, with the icy beverage being believed to be the foundation for this brand’s name as “Free Slurpee Day” falls on July 7. In 1927, the company was called Tote’m Stores, but two decades later, its leadership rebranded. 7-Eleven actually refers to its universal opening hours, which were from 07h00 to 23h00. Today, most 7-Elevens are open 24/7.

7 Eleven
While Amazon might be most people’s favorite place to do online shopping, few actually know the origin of its South American name. Jeff Bezos, the multi-billionaire behind the company, originally wanted to call his online shopping platform “Cadabra,” taken from Abracadabra. When Bezos’ lawyer misread the name as “Cadaver,” he knew that it was time for a change. He then landed on Amazon after likening his drive’s reach to the second-longest river in the world.
