The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Extending The Lifetime of Bananas

While bananas may not be attacked as often by insects as other fruits, the many reacting agents inside the yellow fruit make cause them to go off a lot quicker, too. Strangely, if you cut bananas off from the air with aluminum foil, you can greatly extend their healthiness.

Extending The Lifetime Of Bananas

Extending The Lifetime Of Bananas

Simply tie an aluminum foil knot around your bananas’ stems and they will stay fresher for so much longer. You will not be faced with the pressing need for banana bread any time soon!


Sealing Doorknobs Off From Wet Paint

If you have decided that your particularly faded door could benefit from a new coat of paint, then you really want to make sure that your doorknobs do not get included in the process. While we know that your door frames can be cut off with the use of tape, we need to consider the doorknobs too.

Sealing Doorknobs Off From Wet Paint

Sealing Doorknobs Off From Wet Paint

This is where aluminum foil comes in. You can quickly wrap some moldable aluminum foil over your expensive and fancy doorknobs that will stop them from being splashed by rogue splashes of paint. Aluminum will stay out of the way too, as it folds around your doorknob so conveniently.