The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Busting Rust and Dirt

Ah, the trusty iron. The defeater of creases, the booster of confidence, and an appliance incredibly prone to rust. Many people have found themselves delaying far too long when getting “ready” for a hot date or a vital business meeting, fatally leaving the ironing of their smart shirt far too late, only to find that their iron is too rusty to be used.

Busting Rust And Dirt

Busting Rust And Dirt

Thankfully, this speedy hack will bring your iron back into operation in no time at all. Simply roll a tiny amount of aluminum foil into a ball and begin vigorously scraping the rust and filth off the iron while it is heated. Just always be careful, as you do not want to burn your fingers or scrape so hard that you damage the element.


Scuff-Free Furniture Removal

So, it is time for you to move out of your home, and you want to do so without scraping ugly marks along the floors as you remove your furniture. Your new homeowners will not be very impressed or happy if they walk into their new home excitedly, only to find that the beautiful wooden floors that drew them in are horribly scuffed and scratched.

Scuff Free Furniture Removal

Scuff Free Furniture Removal

To stop your furniture from massacring your floors, simply wrap their legs with aluminum foil. This will ensure that your couches and cabinets’ poky legs do not damage anything on their way to their new homes.