The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Lifelong Paint Tins

When you are deep into a home renovation project, particularly one that involves a lot of painting, it is very easy to lose track of your paint tin lids or paint tube caps. If this is something that often happens to you, then might we suggest keeping a roll of aluminum foil handy?

Lifelong Paint Tins

Lifelong Paint Tins

If you take a sheet of aluminum foil and wrap it tightly over your exposed tins, there will no longer be any airflow, meaning that oxidation will stop. If you need a convenient palette, you can also make one with a piece of cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil.


No More Burning Hair Curlers

If you are sick of being singed every time that you take those hazardous hair curlers out of their heating stations, then you might need some help from our trusty aluminum foil friend. You will never have to fear a frightful burn next time that you go for big hair.

No More Burning Hair Curlers

No More Burning Hair Curlers

If you wrap your curlers tightly with aluminum foil, then you will greatly reduce their burning qualities with the metal’s conductive properties.