The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Safe And Tidy Fireplaces

As we have covered before, aluminum can be used in a lot of high-heat situations. This means that it is the ideal guardian for your fireplace. By lining the bottom of your fireplace with a few sheets of aluminum foil, you can keep your fire together tidily.

Safe And Tidy Fireplaces

Safe And Tidy Fireplaces

Once your fire burns out, then you can easily fold the sheets together (once they have cooled down) and neatly gather the remaining soot, ash, and charcoal together into a convenient package to safely dispose of.


Illuminating Every Spot In Your Garden

This next tip is for advanced gardeners only. While it might not seem like sunshine can be deterred from any spot in your garden, you could have some nooks and crannies that host plants that are missing out on some essential rays.

Illuminating Every Spot In Your Garden

Illuminating Every Spot In Your Garden

Once you have identified your sunless weak spots, take a cardboard box, and remove the top and one side. Then, line the interior completely with aluminum foil. Now, place this reflective box in a place where hidden plants need sunshine. You will now be kickstarting their photosynthesis.