These Sportscasters Are Highly Paid To Get You Ready For Every Game

Published on 03/25/2021

Michael Wilbon ($6 000 000)

It’s not uncommon to find sports commentators who have stuck to their guns over the years, working on a single sport and climbing the ladder with a focus on one particular area. That certainly isn’t the case with Michael Wilbom, an icon of the broadcasting world who spent over thirty years at the Washington Post of all places. This gave him a wide perspective on sports and other topics and has made him a $6 million earning sportscaster these days.

Michael Wilbon

Michael Wilbon


Cassidy Hubbarth ($200 000)

Even though she might not be a household name just yet, Cassidy Hubbarth is one of the faces to watch in the coming decades if you’re a sports fan. Working as a reporter for the Big Ten Network, she has started climbing the ladder and is starting to refine her focus to basketball hosting in particular. Her TV career began back in Chicago, so locals have a special place for her in their hearts. It has helped her to grow a steady following on social media, and we look forward to seeing her reach new heights in the future.

Cassidy Hubbarth

Cassidy Hubbarth