These Restaurant Signs Will Have You Laughing Out Loud!

Published on 09/09/2021

Canine Cops On Duty

When it came to creating the El Arroyo welcome sign on this particular day, Chad, the busboy, was the employee selected. People have described Chad as a profound thinker, which is a fair assessment. A lot of the time, Chad’s mind would just fill with strange ideas. Chad started keeping a journal last year, in which he recorded all of his deepest feelings. Last Thursday’s sign was Chad’s first chance to express his deepest feelings with the world.

Canine Cops On Duty

Canine Cops On Duty


Fight For Your Territory

Consider the following scenario: you are the proprietor of a neighborhood restaurant. You’ve been in business for a few years now, and business has been flourishing for you. When a large chain like Denny’s or Panera opens up down the street, your company suffers. Are you simply going to sit there and let them run you off the block without a word of complaint? No. The battle for your land is going to be fierce….

Fight For Your Territory

Fight For Your Territory