Did You Really Think It’s Whiskey?
The phrases “whiskey” and “soup” are two terms that we would never want to see combined on a menu, yet they do appear together. Nothing about the combination of these two very different products could possibly persuade us to sample the finished product. Our dinner will most likely consist of a small side of salad and some New England clam chowder, barring the discovery of a secret method for making whiskey soup taste absolutely delicious.
Giving Customers A Good Laugh And Education
Along with the puns and dad jokes, El Arroyo’s workers are also delving into philosophical and social ideas that are as deep as they can go. Their posters not only provide an occasional laugh, but also educate customers and others passing by the restaurant about what it means to be human. Particularly poignant was this sign, which prompted us to pause and reflect on some of our other social inclinations, such as hand-shaking, dancing, waving hello, and the idea of money.