Can You Even Tell The Difference?
When you enter this restaurant, you are looking at what you will be served. However, rather than including a picture of the bottle or business logo with the beverages themselves, one establishment chose to break the norm by providing a menu that was even more bland. They decided to include a picture of what each drink looks like in its real form underneath each phrase. They presumably didn’t consider the fact that the majority of beverages are almost identical in appearance.
What Happens If I Can’t Fit In 10 Meows?
This amazing method of confounding an unsuspecting stranger was first shown in the 2001 comedy film Supertroopers. This is accomplished by quietly and often inserting the phrase “meow.” If you are successful in completing the trick, your prey will be thrown off and visibly unsettled by the discussion because they will be aware that they have heard something strange, but they will not be able to pinpoint precisely what it was that made them feel uneasy. It’s worth a shot.