White Tower
When the White Castle initially opened its doors for business in 1921, it was the first of its kind in the world. It was the world’s first fast-food restaurant to achieve widespread success in the United States. A number of knockoffs of the original emerged, and White Tower was one among them. As is often the case in commerce, It was founded by John E. Saxe and his son Thomas, who were inspired by White Castle’s aesthetic, advertising, menu, and even building when they established White Tower. As a consequence, what happened? A total of 230 eating businesses were housed inside the White Tower at its height. While White Castle took legal action against the company, which resulted in the company being forced to make significant changes.

White Tower
Chi-Chi was established in Richfield, Minnesota, in the early 1970s by two former NFL players, Max McGee and Marno McDermott, who were both former NFL players. The name of the restaurant was inspired by the nickname given to Marno’s wife, Chichi. When restaurants in a number of American cities started providing a basic menu of Mexican-style dishes, the establishments quickly gained in popularity. The consequence of this was that, as the number of Mexican restaurants grew, Chi-Chi started to fade away from the landscape. They grew considerably more diverse as time went on. In 2003, three customers died as a consequence of a Hepatitis epidemic in the food supply, according to the company.

Chi Chis