The Secret Lives Of Cruise Ship Workers
Many of us may relish the idea of getting to travel the world, not pay for housing or food, while working. But there is a side to cruise ships that the passengers are not privy to. So remember that a cruise ship is basically a giant floating hotel, and while someone is lounging by the pool or ordering room service, there is a crew member catering to their every need. Before you decide to fill in an application and set off for the big blue, remember that the service and hospitality industry is always hard work, and take a look at some of the insider behind the scenes information that former cruise employees shared with us themselves.

The Secret Lives Of Cruise Ship Workers
Big Brother Surveillance
A former waiter on a major cruise line, Gavin, said that on the cruise ships Big Brother is no joke, meaning that there are cameras everywhere. Although this might sound slightly freaky, it is for the sake of safety and security, as you are quite literally in the middle of the ocean on a giant boat, and not to spy on private people or employees.Gavin said that “it is safe to assume if you are outside of your cabin you are probably on camera,”, and “in the event of any kind of emergency, they could pull security footage at any time.”

Big Brother Surveillance