Seasickness – What You Think It’s Like
Again, if this is your first time on a cruise, or maybe even a boat of any sort, then you are probably unfamiliar with the feeling of being seasick. When you book a cruise online you might think that the waters are always calm, and the ship always sails smoothly along towards its destination…

Seasickness What You Think Its Like
Seasickness – What It’s Really Like
In that case, we regret to have to be the ones to inform you that whether it be a ferry, a cruise ship, a sailboat, a dingy, a yacht, or any other type of seaborne vessel, seasickness is a possibility. It is a very real and horrible feeling and it can happen to absolutely anyone. Of course it can be worse if the sea is choppy and rough, when even experienced boat people can experience it. If you are not sure how you might feel, just make sure to take some tablets with you that can help soothe this feeling.

Seasickness What Its Really Like