Samsung’s CEO, Lee Byung-Chul, was thinking big when he was thinking of a name for his company, looking to the stars above for inspiration. Samsung was originally geared towards trading prior to changing its sights for an electronics target two decades later. Byung-Chul eventually settled on Samsung due to its Korean meaning: “Three Stars.” 3 is a lucky number to this nation, and the stellar connotation is taken from his celestial ambitions.

Six Flags
It is incredible to see how some brilliant ideas evolve into even more astounding forms. Whenever you are developing a brand, however, it helps to keep this magical process concise. The “Six Flags Amusement Park” was on the right path when it came to its name after chopping up “Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington.” We understand that you were proud of your first park’s opening, Six Flags, but are happier that your marketing team came to its senses.

Six Flags