The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Keep Your Credit Cards Safe

Isn’t it just the most convenient and snappy gift from banks, the RFID credit card, with its instant tapping payments? With the added convenience also comes unexpected risks, however, as without a pin comes the potential for unsanctioned payments.

Keep Your Credit Cards Safe

Keep Your Credit Cards Safe

How is one to ward off such unsolicited transactions? Well, you can call on your own private banker, Mr. Aluminum. Take a sheet of foil and fold it into a neat pouch. This will block off any scammers’ or tricksters’ thieving gadgets and scanners.


Perfecting Your Photoshoot’s Lighting

When you first start getting into photography, lighting is one of the biggest challenges, and getting the perfect natural ambiance can be a headache. You even might not be able to afford the top of the line light reflectors and flashes, being forced to settle for underexposed results.

Perfecting Your Photoshoots Lighting

Perfecting Your Photoshoots Lighting

We want you to know that you do not need such fancy contraptions to take a stunning photo, just make an aluminum-wrapped cardboard reflector and you can mirror all that essential light onto your focal point.