The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Closing Bags For Maximum Freshness

There are plenty of freshness hacks that aluminum can bring to us, ensuring that your next party will only be served with the crispiest, tastiest chips and popcorn. You can also avoid carelessly strewn half-eaten chip packets from spilling out onto the floor, which can then be messily crunched into your carpets.

Closing Bags For Maximum Freshness

Closing Bags For Maximum Freshness

For those obsessively devoted to their carpets, a strip of aluminum can be ironed onto a chip packet’s opening, resealing the bag and keeping it fresh and safe for that much longer.


Returning Your Mirrors To Dazzling Beauty

No one likes to peer into a murky mirror, making them feel like they have entered some kind of bad 80s horror movie. Maintaining your mirror quality is essential for ensuring that your rooms always pop with as much aesthetic beauty as possible.

Returning Your Mirrors To Dazzling Beauty

Returning Your Mirrors To Dazzling Beauty

You will want to take your mirror off the wall for this hack, trust us, it is worth it. Simply locate the silver section of the back of your mirror that outlines it and then stick a few strips of aluminum across. You can now put your refurbished mirror back on the wall and see your beauty reflected properly again.