The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Extend The Life Of Bananas

There are so many things that can happen to bananas in just a few days. Flies will swarm around them at all times and they often become incredibly mushy in no time at all during the hotter seasons. You would never just buy a few bananas as that would be a waste of your time!

Extend The Life Of Bananas

Extend The Life Of Bananas

If you would like to prolong the quality of your bananas, you can wrap them in plastic wrap to extend the life of these delicious fruits, specifically the stems. This ensures that they stay fresh and do not get that gross mold.


Drinking For Toddlers

Little children absolutely love juice, and exploring the different fruity wonders is a sugary roller-coaster ride for those just exploring the wonderful world of nature’s blessings. Sadly, they tend to handle their cups in a rather alarming and messy manner.

Drinking For Toddlers

Drinking For Toddlers

Let us upgrade your children’s plastic cups. Once you have filled your cup with juice, then seal your cup with plastic wrap tightly and make sure that it is leak-proof. Now, poke a hole in the film and then stick a straw through. They can now suck away without a single drop leaving their cup or mouths.