The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Extending The Freshness Of Paint

When you will buy a can of paint, you really want to make the expensive substance last as long as possible. You also need to make sure that your hands are protected from an irritatingly intense hand washing.

Extending The Freshness Of Paint

Extending The Freshness Of Paint

Wrap your paintbrush’s handle with various layers of plastic wrap, which will collect paint drippings and stop your hand from blistering. Further, you can stop your roller from hardening by firmly sealing it with saran wrap. Well done, you have now become a proper professional painter!


Jars For Life

We love reusing our glass jars, and find that those that simply chuck them in the trash are sorely missing out on an excellent source of containers. The downside of this process is that you have to scrub like crazy once you have removed the labels from your jars.

Jars For Life

Jars For Life

To avoid having to murder the sticky film that labels leave behind, fill a container with hot water and dishwashing liquid, and leave the jars in to simmer for a few hours. Next, take the soaked jar out and seal it with plastic wrap for five minutes. Now, all that you need to do is take the wrap off and the label will slip off completely cleanly.