The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

Keeping Your Brushes Fresh

We have another painting hack for you, but this time we want to focus on your paintbrushes. Every time that you take a breather, it can be a real chore to have to clean your brushes to stop them from hardening.

Keeping Your Brushes Fresh

Keeping Your Brushes Fresh

You could just wrap these tools in aluminum foil while you make a much-needed cup of coffee or want to inspect your hard work. Incredibly, aluminum foil has antifreeze qualities, allowing the brush and paint to avoid crusty hardening.


Blocking Government Agents Out

2020 has been a year rife with suspicion, where everyone from Bill Gates to ordinary people who want to take the incoming vaccine is in on some terrible global conspiracy. If you would like to stop the shady New World Order from gaining control of your mind with 5G rays, we have one final usage for aluminum foil that might save you from becoming another mindless drone.

Blocking Government Agents Out

Blocking Government Agents Out

Wrap a few sheets of aluminum foil around your head and then press the mold down on all sides to fit into your head. Congratulations! You are now safe from brain trespassers! We are truly sorry for this one – we just could not help ourselves. Wrapping aluminum around your head would get you nowhere except maybe a recommendation to a psychiatrist!

Please stay with us for our next list of incredible saran wrap hacks!