The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

The Incredible Plant Protection And Growth

Those who love to garden will tell you that insects can quickly devastate your best efforts in no time at all. From crippling diseases to just munching everything in sight, bugs can ruin your garden very quickly. This is why your beloved plants could use some aluminum foil protection.

The Incredible Plant Protection And Growth

The Incredible Plant Protection And Growth

This blessing from our planet’s crust will keep most bugs and bacteria away for good. Further, remember how we were talking about using aluminum as a reflector? The same principle applies to your plants and their great need for as much sunshine as possible.


Repairing Clothes While Sparing The Ironing Board

When you have to rip your favorite jeans, you know that it will be an easy fix that will add character with a cool patch. For more sensitive garment repairs, however, there are certain materials that can melt into the ironing board and wreck both your blouse and the ironing board.

Repairing Clothes While Sparing The Ironing Board

Repairing Clothes While Sparing The Ironing Board

If you slip a shred of aluminum foil underneath the hole that you are repairing, then you will provide a heat absorbent barrier that will protect both your clothes and ironing board. No more tricky and potentially fatal fixes!