When we discuss the beverages widely consumed across the globe, coffee has gained one of the top positions. Before diving into the list, you must know that Finland is the country that has retained the top position in terms of per capita coffee consumption. Whether you are trying to achieve a deadline or have an exam to write the next day, coffee is the most helpful tool to keep yourself awake. It is also a perfect beverage that you can take to have a fresh start in the morning. Looking at the macro level, there is a reason behind so many Starbucks popping up in the last decade. However, going by the yearly trends, you will witness a severe decline in its consumption. In this blog, we will jot down a few countries that are in the top 5 when it comes to coffee consumption. The reason behind the decline in coffee consumption is not primarily people turning it away but the weather situations affecting its production quite significantly. When compared to tea, there might be an element of surprise that China is the one with the highest per capita tea consumption among all the countries. Now, without any further adieu, let’s go through the list.

The Countries With Highest Coffee Consumption A Glance
The per capita consumption of coffee in Finland sits at 12 kg per year. If we break it down daily, it will come to around 4 cups a day. You can also guess its popularity because of the Finns. It’s necessary to offer their employees at least two 10-minute breaks in a day for coffee. In a recent study, Finland also topped the world’s happiness index.
Fetching the numbers slightly down, Iceland consumes around 9 kgs per person every year. Until 1987, the country had banned beer consumption, and the alternative option of wine was crazy expensive. This is the primary reason behind most people switch to coffee as their favorite beverage. If you have a visitor, offering coffee is considered a customary act.
The country stands at 8.7 kg per year on a per capita basis. If you have ever visited the country, you must have heard of kaffeslabberas, a gathering where guests will be offered cake and coffee. This offering is generally made after dinner. The popularity of this beverage can be marked by the fact that the invites are explicitly sent to attend the wedding coffee reception, which is termed bryllupskage.
The difference is relatively minimal. The per-person consumption of this hugely popular beverage sits at 8.2 kg per year. The country has a common tradition called Fika, where it’s pretty common to take extended coffee breaks and chill out with friends. Around ten days per year is spent on Fikarast. The country has a considerable population that regularly consumes around 2-4 cups of coffee.

Though it’s one of the smallest countries globally, the per person consumption of coffee in Luxembourg sits at 6.5 kg per year. There are a plethora of coffee houses present across the country, and there are also a few premium ones. This European country also ties with Canada in terms of per capita consumption. The country boasts of launching the first coffee chain dubbed Tim Horton’s. The chain has captured the market so that 3 out of 4 cups consumed in Canada come from this coffee chain.