More than half the world’s population has been on lockdown in an attempt to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus and worsening the pandemic much more than it is now. This unprecedented public emergency has infected millions of people worldwide and has killed hundreds of thousands with no vaccine yet in sight. Due to these, the world of work and labor has changed drastically, with many businesses having to face the challenge of adapting or facing extinction. This goes the same for workers, with many facing the possibility of losing their jobs without them having done any fault. It is the way it is, and we must all strive to accept things as they are and look further into the opportunities this unique situation presents to us now.

How The COVID 19 Could Create New Work Opportunities
Relevant Industries
It is no secret that many industries were hit extremely hard by the pandemic, with mass layoffs happening in the transportation, aviation, and tourism industries. However, there are a few key ones that have actually flourished due to the surge in demand brought on by this pandemic. Leading this would be the grocery and market industries, with the most in-demand jobs being store associates, store managers, and store systems operators. Jobs that are also connected to this industry or with store operations such as certified public accountants, warehouse managers, and delivery drivers have also risen in demand in the few months since the pandemic has begun. This can be said to be a pandemic-proof industry since whether the pandemic stays or goes away, the demand for goods coming from groceries and stores will not wane. Even big names such as Amazon have been on a hiring spree with their warehouses being overwhelmed by the sudden increase of orders for food, products, and anything else you’d find in your daily grocery shelf.
With the pandemic being essentially a worldwide health emergency, the sudden rise in demand for workers in the health sector is something to be expected. The top healthcare positions include registered nurses, doctors, healthcare specialists, licensed practical nurses, patient care technicians, and respiratory specialists. Even though there has been a decline in the overall labor outlook due to businesses closing down, hospitals are as busy as ever. These jobs mentioned are needing vacant positions filled in as soon as possible, with the current situation being deemed a medical emergency. There are even some countries or cities which are hiring those who have not been practicing medicine for the longest time, as long as the relevant degree requirement has been completed. This is how badly they need for these people are right now.

A Future Online
Although several niche industries such as healthcare and store operations are in hot demand right now, what about the rest of us who do not have the relevant experience or knowledge in such fields? The answer may as well be right in front of us right now as we are reading this article – working online. The pandemic has forever changed the way people interact with each other, and how businesses operate. The need for communication and connectivity amidst all this social distancing has brought on the world of the Internet, as well as all the varied job opportunities present in it, to our fingertips. There is always a multitude of online jobs available including language teaching, article writing, research associates, executive secretaries, and much more. All these can be done without ever leaving the comfort of one’s home or being anywhere in the world for that matter. The only requirement is a decent Internet connection and a laptop – something many people already have.