The Best In Life Hacks: The Versatile And Life-Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 12/04/2020

It is a great sadness that so many people solely use aluminum for cooking. Did you know that our Earth’s crust is made up of 8.3% aluminum, making up 1.59% of our entire planet’s mass? With so much aluminum on our planet, we really should be making the most out of it, given its versatile and incredible range of uses. Aluminum has been used by humanity since the 5th century.

The Best In Life Hacks The Versatile And Life Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

The Best In Life Hacks The Versatile And Life Saving Services Of Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Amazingly, aluminum’s uses will blow your mind, and you would never guess that this durable and yet flexible metal sheeting can be brought into an abundance of applications. You will swear by the stuff when you finish reading our magnificent, crinkly list.


Signal Booster

Given our current working situation being mostly homebound, we need to ensure that our Wi-Fi is working at its strongest. No one wants to be halfway through an important work conference, only to have the signal falter and then be disconnected. This is usually a process that can be temporarily solved with a good old-fashioned router restart, by why even need to bother with such irritating processes in the first place?

Signal Booster

Signal Booster

We have an IT solution for you that will keep your signal powerful and dependable. Begin by cutting out a rectangle from a cardboard sheet, and then wrap it in aluminum. You can then place this reflective sheet by your router, which will boost your Wi-Fi signal significantly.